grants and partnerships

The American Institute of Architects

AIA New Hampshire and Think3d

Think3d and AIANH have partnered to bring Think3d to public schools in New Hampshire. Our goal is to inspire and empower students, and to build more diverse and inclusive architecture and building professions. Research has shown that students’ spatial reasoning skills are a predictor of their success and perseverance in math and science and later, of creativity within STEM professions.

Interested in brining Think3d to your state?

Call Think3d co-founder, Allyson Hutton @ (530) 650-6677, or reach out via contact us in the left hand menu.

U.S. Department of Education, IES Grant

Tufts University was awarded a three-year U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Grant to collaborate with Think3d to further develop the Think3d program by developing four modules extending across multiple years of primary education.

The research was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A140151 to Tufts University.

Tufts University

Think3d works in collaboration with the Tufts University Spatial Cognition Laboratory.

Dartmouth College NSF funded Graduate K-12 Project

Think3d collaborated with the Dartmouth College NSF funded Graduate K-12 Project, training STEM graduate students to bring Think3d to local elementary school students. 

Horizons of Greater Washington

Think3d collaborated with Horizons of Greater Washington, an award-winning, tuition-free academic and enrichment program serving students from under-resourced communities in Washington, DC and Maryland, to bring Think3d to their summer academic programs.


Think3d has partnered with schools in New York City, New Hampshire, and Vermont including:

  • The Bernice A. Ray School, Hanover, NH

  • PS 39, Brooklyn, NY

  • The Brooklyn School of Inquiry, a Citywide Gifted and Talented School, Brooklyn, NY

  • Marion Cross Elementary School, Norwich, VT

  • Thayer School of Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students, Hanover, NH

  • Dothan Brook School, White River Junction, VT

  • Hartland Elementary School, Windsor, VT

  • Windsor School, Windsor, VT

  • Albert Bridge School, Windsor, VT

  • Woodstock Elementary School, Woodstock, VT

  • The Lyme School, Lyme, NH

  • Mount Holly School, Mount Holly, VT

  • Cavendish Town Elementary School, Cavendish, VT

  • Ludlow Elementary School, Ludlow, VT

  • Chester-Andover Elementary School, Chester, VT

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