module 1

Module 1 Box (Physical) Version.  Printed and assembled in the USA.

Module 1 Box (Physical) Version. Printed and assembled in the USA.


A collaborative program, the think3d! box includes all the materials for two students. Inside are six sets – A through F – of engineering design and spatial reasoning challenges. The sets are organized in folders – A through F – and include:

  • 8 1/2” x 11” sheets describing the folding sequence for origami models.

  • Pre-folded origami models for reverse engineering and 11”x17” and 3”x3” paper for students to illustrate folding sequences.

  • 11”x17” sheets with diagrams describing the transformation of a flat piece of paper into a 3-dimensional model.

  • Die cut single sheet paper engineering models for reverse paper engineering.

  • Applied paper engineering model and diagrams for reverse engineering.

  • 2D to 3D paper engineering challenges for in-between the classroom sessions.

  • Origami paper for each student (30 pieces each).

  • Paper engineering paper for each student (60 pieces each).

Access to the Teacher Video Tutorials – line animations describing each challenge within each of the six sets.

Recycle/re-use: Students transform the 2-D paper contents of the think3d! box into 3-D models.

module 1 digital version

The digital version of Think3d presents all the engineering design challenges, on-line. Each module is 6 Sets – A through F. The module unfolds through a sequence of pages introducing each Set, the related STEM vocabulary, concepts and directions. In 2D to 3D challenges, diagrams describe how to transform flat pieces of paper into 3-dimensional models. With a click, students animate the diagram to see it in action. Line animations describe steps in an engineering design process. For the reverse engineering challenges, students analyze unfolding sequences and study origami or paper engineered models using the 360 degree model view tool. Think3d provides the digital presentation, on-line, and, by mail, the origami paper (30 pieces for each student) and paper engineering paper (60 pieces for each student). In the students’ hands, the digitally presented challenges emerge as physical models – flapping butterflies, scuttling mice, nodding dogs, jumping frogs. Students engineer pop-up letters of the alphabet, creatures and cities.

Access to the Teacher Video Tutorials – line animations describing each challenge in a Set.


Think3d = 4 modules = {0, 1, 2, 3}

1 module = 6 sets = {









single sheet paper engineering

applied paper engineering

1 set = engineering design challenges + STEM vocabulary + a real-world STEM connection + infinite opportunities for student initiated exploration

‘Think3d is AWESOME!’ These were Elsie’s first words to me, unprompted, after school today. And, 30 mins later, she’s still showing off all the critters she made. She said that lots of kids kept making more and more after the session.

— A mom at PS 39, Brooklyn Contact us here.